Physiotherapy is the treatment, rehabilitation and revalidation of the body after pain, injury, illness or operation. The physiotherapist treats various complaints of the musculoskeletal system. This often manifests itself as pain, stiffness, weakness and instability in the bones, joints, ligaments, tendons or muscles leading to functional impairments. Physiotherapy is for everyone, irrespective of age or sporting background.
Common complaints:
Back, neck and shoulder complaints
Tension headaches
Sport injuries
Stress and work-related complaints
Various pain and stiffness in limbs
Degenerative complaints such as arthrosis of rheumatism
Spine and sciatica
Postoperative rehabilitation: such as a new knee, hip or after a fracture.
Neurological disorder
I can advise, treat and guide you so that you can continue your daily life as best as possible, and responsibly return to work, sport and other forms of activity. You will also learn how to become aware of your posture and ways of moving, how to recognize signals from the body (tension and pain), which can help you prevent or limit problems from re-occurring. In short, I work towards an optimal recovery and a lasting solution.
During the first session I will try to diagnose your problem, give you insight into your complaint and treat you. Subsequent treatments will include the use of joint mobilisation, soft tissue release (trigger point therapy, dry needling and massage), stretches, core strength programs, muscle energy techniques and ergonomic advice.